Posts Tagged ‘field goal attempt’

The al davis raiders davis kiffin idiot

October 1, 2008

San Francisco, CAMale 28 years old
About Me:I’m not what you think I am. By which I mean I am. Wait,

Buckle up folks, because this afternoon Al Davis gave his side of the
Lane Kiffin story and my oh my, did Davis ever go off. But in a pretty
intelligent and convincing way. So let’s get to it. First off, Davis
directly accused Kiffin of trying to get himself fired (and therefore
still get paid) by complaining constantly about his authority in the
organization. According , Davis during the press conference revealed
a letter (which he actually put on an overhead projector for the press
corps) that he wrote to Kiffin prior to the Kansas City game outlining
the former coach’s faults and his bad personnel moves. The letter was
prompted by one of Kiffin’s continual comments that he had no
involvement in the defense. Davis did reveal that while while Kiffin
did have much say in terms of defense, he had a great deal of control
on offense. Davis said that Kiffin called every play on offense during
his time with the team, and that he split the play-calling duties with
an unnamed assistant coach on Sunday against the Chargers. But it
gets more interesting According , after the Week 3 loss to the
Bills, Davis said that he asked Kiffin point-blank why he didn’t
use his final two time outs in the game, allowing the Bills to end the
game on a field goal with no time remaining. Definitely a valid point.
Davis then made a snide remark regarding the 76-yard-field goal
attempt at the end of the first half of the Week Four loss to the
Chargers, which prompted us to question whether Kiffin was trying to
get himself fired. Asked whether Kiffin was daring Davis to fire him,
Davis said, “That’s a good question.”

Apparently the Davis/Kiffin feud has been going on for 7 months, and
started because Kiffin wanted his father, Monte Kiffin, to run the
Raiders defense. Davis claimed that the Raiders opted not to pursue
the elder Kiffin because he was under contract with the Bucs. Davis
also said that Lane Kiffin didn’t want to draft JaMarcus Russell
(which actually probably would have been the right thing to do at this
point). And last of all, in regards to reports that Kiffin was
presented with a letter of resignation last season, Davis said that
the document was an attempt to resolve Kiffin’s situation if he
were to get another job, specifically at the college level (Kiffin
actually did want the Arkansas job, which went to Bobby Petrino).
According , Davis said that Kiffin, whom he called a
“professional liar,” then turned that into a claim that
Davis had presented him with a resignation letter. And I guess
that’s pretty much it. But as crazy as Al Davis may have appaeared
during this press conference, you can’t exactly say he didn’t come
prepared. He brought the heat, to say the least. By the way, we
should all recognize that the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
Kiffin isn’t as innocent as he appears, nor is Davis as crazy as he
appears. And this thing is far from being over. Davis, as of right
now, owes Kiffin $3.5 million, which Davis is refusing to pay. The
good news now is that at least the Raiders on the field no longer have
anything to worry about. Well, except constantly losing. Al Davis want
to get a few things off his chest [] Davis accuses Kiffin of lying,
propoganda []

al davis is an idiot, has always been an idiot, and will leave this
earth an idiot. at least he is consistent, just like his raduhs, he
loses again

joebloom53 wrote:
al davis is an idiot, has always been an idiot, and will leave this
earth an idiot. at least he is consistent, just like his raduhs, he
loses again

Not sure if he always been idiot. He was once a VERY good
owner…remember he gave us John Madden. A RAIDER!! But yea, now he’s
not best owner – but for you to say he’s always been idiot is a IDIOT
move…..oh yea, IT WAS A FUMBLE!!!

I had to laugh at Al Davis’s pause for effect after he read the line
of the letter stating that Kiffin didn’t want to draft Russell, like
the people in the room were supposed to gasp in horror, as if Kiffin
having a differing opinion on the pick was grounds for firing. If
there were any gasping in the audience, it would have been due to the
reanimated corpse addressing the room.

AL is at it again man…he has had the raiders in the pitts since his
troubles with Marcus Allen…..he better hope they don’t kick the
raiders out of Oakland…they might end up like the sonics. can u even
imagine no Oakland raiders…WOW

Tim brown nfl’s tripucka football played

September 30, 2008

By JEFF THOMAS AMHERST – No one would believe it if
they were told Travis Tripucka has had it rough in the first 19 years
of his life. Son of a former NBA player and grandson of a 15-year NFL
player, the University of Massachusetts sophomore hasn’t exactly led a
life of hard knocks.

That he was relaxing on the beaches of South Jersey on August 5 kind
of fits that profile too.

The next day Tripucka was wearing football pads and a helmet for the
first time since high school, working out in his “other” collegiate
sport as a late addition to Don Brown’s Minutemen. A scholarship
defenseman for Greg Cannella’s lacrosse program, Tripucka is a walk-on
for the football team and after 24 days of practice the starting
longsnapper for the Minutemen.

While most college students go to classes and maybe get involved in
intramural sports, Tripucka is doing his part in the classroom while
competing in two varsity sports.

“I’m taking four classes, 12 credits, and while they want you to take
five, with my schedule that’s tough,” Tripucka said. “But I’m getting
all the help I can get. I love putting in the time. I’m not the
smartest kid but I definitely put in the effort and I’m taking
advantage of all the tutors they offer here and the people in academic
services are helping me.”

On the field, Tripucka has quickly become an important player in the
kicking game. Placekicker Armando Cuko has been perfect, making 10 of
10 extra points and hitting his only field goal attempt, a 42-yarder
last week at Holy Cross that won the game for the Minutemen.

Punter Brett Arnold has been just as solid, averaging 46.1 yards over
the first two games on 10 kicks.

Adding a new longsnapper to a kicking game that already had a punter
who struggled in the second half of last season and a placekicker who
watched from the sidelines the last two years could have been
disastrous. Instead, it has been perfect.

“Those three guys and (holder Scott Woodward) work really hard at it,”
assistant coach Damian Mincey said. “They’re usually out there 15
minutes early and 15 minutes after.”

“I think the reason why it’s working out so well is because we have a
good longsnapper,” Cuko said. “All you have to worry about is your own

Tripucka is the oldest son of Kelly Tripucka, who led Notre Dame’s
basketball team in scoring in all four of his seasons. He went on to
play for the Detroit Pistons, Utah Jazz and Charlotte Hornets before
retiring to the broadcast booth.

Frank Tripucka played football at Notre Dame and then in the NFL for
eight years as a quarterback with Denver, Dallas, Detroit and Chicago.
Travis Tripucka’s uncle Mark Tripucka played football for UMass in the
1970s, a teammate and close friend of Tim Berra, son of baseball Hall
of Famer Yogi Berra.

“Mark, my dad’s brother, played quarterback here in the early ’70s,”
Travis Tripucka said. “He played here for about seven years and after
a while they had to kick him out he was having so much fun.

“He actually played with Tim Berra, Yogi’s son, and my grandfather
played in the NFL for a bunch of years and he and Yogi are good
friends and they used to come to a lot of games,” he added. “My uncle
Mark is probably my biggest influence for coming here. He’s out of his
mind right now that I’m playing football.”

It was by chance that he’s playing football. During the spring
semester, Travis Tripucka said he heard the football team was looking
for a longsnapper, something he had done at Mountain Lake High School
in Boonton Township, N.J.

Lance Overby, an academic advisor and former UMass defensive back, had
seen Tripucka in action and put a word in with coach Brown. Tripucka,
who was playing lacrosse in the spring and could not attend the
football spring practice, spoke with Brown but did not know what would
come of it.

“Then, August 5 I’m lying on the beach and get a call to report to
football practice the next day,” Tripucka said.

“He had the talent and the ability to do it. He was just raw,” Mincey
said. “The biggest thing was: Can he get back, get his head up and

Tripucka had every reason to be nervous in the home opener August 30.
Afterall, it was just three weeks after his first practice, doing
something he had not done in two years and never in front of so many

“The guys are bigger, the crowds are bigger, but after my first snap
against Albany all my nerves went away,” he said. “The blocking
schemes are a little different because in high school you just snap
and run down field. Now you have a more important role, you have to
block somebody.”

Tripucka isn’t the first two-sport player on the football team. Many
Minutemen have competed in indoor track in the winter season. Greg
Scott played football and lacrosse just a few years ago, and in the
mid- to late-90s Springfield’s Doug Clark played football and