Posts Tagged ‘forthcoming debates’

The gwen ifill pbs debate couch watch

October 1, 2008

The entry titled “Do you plan to watch all the debates?,” and any of
the comments about it.

Friday’s 9 p.m. face-off was the first debate scheduled before
the Nov. 4 election. Held at the University of Mississippi, it is
moderated by Jim Lehrer, host of “The NewsHour” on PBS.
Topics include national security and foreign policy.

Oct. 2: Vice presidential debate moderated by PBS correspondent Gwen
Ifill at Washington University in St. Louis.

Oct. 15: Debate on domestic and economic policy will be held at
Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. Moderator is Bob Schieffer of

The vice presidential debate will be and held Oct. 2 The debate
formate won’t be resolved until the vice presidential nominees
are chosen.

Tonight’s debate and forthcoming debates are ALL critical. So
rather than “get off the couch,” let’s get ON the
couch, America. Watch. Listen. Learn. VOTE.

Tonight’s debate and forthcoming debates are ALL critical. So
rather than “get off the couch,” let’s get ON the
couch, America. Watch. Listen. Learn. VOTE.

Tonight’s debate and forthcoming debates are all critical.
Rather than “get off the couch,” let’s get ON the
couch, America. Watch. Listen. Learn. VOTE.

I can’t imagine that anyone would make up his or her mind based
on how well a condidate performed in a debate. The candidates have
records and past performance in real life that means much more to me
than how they do at verbal jousting match.

I can’t imagine that anyone would make up his or her mind based
on how well a condidate performed in a debate. The candidates have
records and past performance in real life that means much more to me
than how they do at verbal jousting match.

Obama should not have been allowed to interrupt and talk over his
opponent and should not have been allowed to go longer than his time.
Obama should have given his position on the issues being discussed,
not attack his opponent.