Posts Tagged ‘linebacker’

O’sullivan martz 49ers in al davis raiders

October 1, 2008

(09-21) 19:45 PDT — Mike Martz, as usual, chose not to speak to the
media after Sunday’s game, in which the 49ers Martz-inized the Detroit
Lions 31-13.

Just kidding. Martz is keeping a low public profile. But he was fired
by the Lions after last season and I’m going to guess that in the four
nanoseconds between the game’s final gun and the revving up of Martz’
brain to prepare for next week’s game, Mad Mike had a moment of
satisfaction, mentally smoking a cigar in the blink of an eye.

Same for quarterback J.T. O’Sullivan, another Lions cast-off, who, if
he keeps playing like he did Sunday, and loses 30 pounds, can go
trick-or-treating as Joe Montana.

O’Sullivan did speak to the media, but also declined to gloat, even
with his 123.3 passer rating, two touchdown passes, zero interceptions
and one sack.

At least one 49ers’ player called Martz a genius Sunday. I don’t know
if O’Sullivan is a genius, too, but he’s smart enough to know he’s
still on probation, 2-1 as a starter, and both wins are over teams
that charitably can be classified as succotash.

There’s no reason for O’Sullivan or Martz to pop off now. But here at
hyperbole central, we’re calling Martz and O’Sullivan the Redeem Team.
Two lost souls, rejected by the same lousy team, their careers on the
wane, check into adjoining rooms at the Last Chance Motel, and
suddenly they are kicking rear ends and taking names.

It should be obvious now that this is all a plot. Matt Millen, the
Lions’ general manager, seven-plus seasons of terrible general
managing, has a grand exit strategy.

First, he sent Martz and O’Sullivan packing. They go to San Francisco,
prove themselves as a dynamic duo for the 49ers. Next offseason,
Raiders boss Al Davis, realizing he needs help, hires his former
linebacker Millen as general manager, Millen signs Martz as head coach
and O’Sullivan as quarterback. Raiders trade JaMarcus Russell for two
or three fine receivers, and away we go.

Think back. At what point over the last few seasons was there this
much excitement and hope, however qualified, in 49erland?

“He’s a football genius, he’s showed that his whole career,” wide
receiver Arnaz Battle said of Martz.

Battle said it took him awhile to adjust to Martz’s eccentric,
demanding, perfectionist ways, but now he gets it. On Sunday, Battle
caught three passes for 22 yards. Distribution is one key to 49ers
success. With no favorite receiver (and no star), Martz/O’Sullivan
throw to anyone and everyone, so defenses can’t focus on one guy.

“(Martz) is a coach who has a presence,” center Eric Heitmann said.
“He demands so much of his players. He’s a brilliant coach, his plays
make sense, his schemes make sense. The volume (of plays) can be
overwhelming, but each play within itself makes sense.”

Martz, Heitmann said, is extremely organized and disciplined. And: “He
talks to us like we’re people, like we’re human beings.”

Admit it, 49ers’ fans, you were skeptical when coach Mike Nolan
announced that J.T. O’Sullivan had won the starting quarterback job.
Maybe you figured Martz had slipped something into Nolan’s Ovaltine.

But after three games, you’re thinking, hey, it kind of makes sense.
If Alex Smith (remember him?) were healthy right now, would you want
to see him start next week?

On Sunday, O’Sullivan was borderline sensational. Maybe there is
something to be said for a 49ers’ quarterback knowing his offensive
coordinator by name. O’Sullivan already has spent time soaking in what
the other 49ers’ offensive players are learning.

“There are a lot of things (unique about Martz),” O’Sullivan said,
“but the things I appreciate the most are the levels of excellence
that he expects out of himself and out of all of us. Through that, it
is the details that he demands from each position. Compound that with
the aggressiveness …”

And a quarterback who can put Martz’ thoughts into actions. After
watching Sunday’s game, it’s hard to believe that O’Sullivan sat every
game in Detroit last season behind Jon Kitna, whose passer rating
Sunday (61.3) was half of O’Sullivan’s.

O’Sullivan underthrew one long pass to Vernon Davis (who earlier was
unable to catch a catchable deep ball), but otherwise pitched as
spectacularly as Tim Lincecum.

O’Sullivan even ran for 32 yards, and on two or three of the runs, he
went Steve Young, eschewing the quarterback safety slide.

Definitely. Because now O’Sullivan’s got people thinking crazy
thoughts, and he’s being controlled by a madman, and who knows where
that can lead?

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