Posts Tagged ‘richard collier’

The al davis raiders team want titans

October 1, 2008

lost to the Redskins on Sunday, T.O. basically blamed the loss on Tony
Romo for not getting T.O. the ball more. He left out that he was
targeted for 20 plays (18 times thrown to with 7 catches and 2 rushing
attempts), and that he dropped a couple of those passes. T.O. is a
great receiver, and very important to the success of a few of my
fantasy football teams, but I have no idea why anyone would want him
on their team. What he brings on the field is not worth what he brings
off of it.

also fired Scott Linehan. I don’t understand how a team that has Marc
Bulger, Torry Holt and Steven Jackson can be so bad. Hey Jacob Bell
and Drew Bennett, I hope you are enjoying yourself out there.

As was mentioned yesterday, thoughts and prayers go out to Richard
Collier. It was announced yesterday the he is paralyzed from the waist
down and had to get his left leg amputated. Stuff like this reminds
you how trivial football is.

walk away from last night’s game having lost rookie running back
Rashard Mendenhall and starting right guard Kendall Simmons. That game
last night was one of the most physical games I have seen in a while.

Two site things: Does anyone want to be in charge of looking up the
different power rankings from around the web and writing a post about
them? Let me know if you are interested.

I was listening to ESPN radio at lunch today and Mike Tirico and Scott
Van Pelt were talking about who would win the various divisions. Want
to guess who they picked for the AFC south? Well amazingly they split.
Tirico picked the Colts and Van Pelt picked the Jaguars! I was amazed.
They talked about the Titans a bit but never said what there was about
them that was off-putting.

We have one of three undefeated records. Have allowed less points
against us than any team (unless you count the teams that have played
one less game). Have the league leading rushing TD runner and the most
picks yet don’t really merit a mention for winning the division.
Oh, well. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

The Titans never get the respect they deserve from the national media
because they don’t want us to win. They don’t want a small
market team to succeed. And we are not flashy and we don’t score
a lot of points.

I, too, on lunch today was watching ESPN on TV. Ol’ Hodge was on
there and two others talking about the titans Defense. They said Ditka
had picked them for the super bowl pre-season I think? wow. They also
said the Titans are the best team in the NFL. I was shocked to hear
them say it. I mean, we know the Titans are the best team right now,
but I couldn’t believe they were saying it on ESPN!

If I hit a hole-in-one on this grand slam the dominoes will fall like
a house of cards. Checkmate.

Because if he doesn’t start this season (which he most likely
won’t), he won’t be with us next season. At least, I
wouldn’t be if I were him.

Jimmy, it seems I have seen a few web crawler type apps that you (I
think) can configure to pull news and aggregate into one source. I
guess they use XML or some crapola. Anyway. There might be an easy way
to just have all that info presented to you programmatically.
I’ll google it a little bit. Not sure what to search for just

I really feel terrible for him. Please keep this man in your thoughts
and prayers, as he is going to need them. I was unaware of who Richard
Collier was until this story, however I am moved by the tragedy. This
truly does trivialize football as August mentioned. This man’s
life is now completely changed because of the stupid act of the idiot
who shot him.

He really needs to get over himself. He gets the ball 20 times in a
game and that is not enough. Yes he is one of the greatest receivers
of all time, but to say what he does sometimes is unbeleivable. I
thought he had grown up a lot after he went to the Cowboys, maybe I
was wrong. McNabb had enough of him at Philly, I wonder if Romo feels
the same way?.

Kiffin rod means in al davis picture

October 1, 2008

Rod Marinelli that he is a lame-duck coach and claims to not even know
what the phrase means. Well, Rod, basically it means you’re coaching
on a temporary basis until a new general manager is hired and he
brings in his own guy. There’s a long way to go until we get to that
point, but Marinelli probably won’t be back next season if a new GM is
hired, so he’s like a substitute teacher in a sense.

Matt Millen apparently was in Allen Park on Monday. I assume he was
there to pick up his belongings or something like that as there is no
other reason for him to be there anymore.

The Raiders Lane Kiffin. Al Davis didn’t even do it in person and
“fired him without pay.” I’m sure Kiffin and his agent will do
everything they can to get the money he is owed, especially
considering how rude Davis was throughout the entire process.

Before Kiffin was fired, he to kick a 76-yard field goal at the end of
the first half of Sunday’s game against the Chargers.

Jaguars offensive tackle Richard Collier, who earlier this month, is
paralyzed from the waist down and had his left leg amputated as a
result of the shooting.