Posts Tagged ‘sad day’

Debate wmc questions in gwen ifill pbs

October 1, 2008

PBS’s . In fact, as Carole Jenkins, president of the WMC, pointed out
in a recent mailing, “Of the 27 Presidential debates televised
nationally since 1960, only 4 have been moderated by women — the last
being Carole Simpson in 1992 — 16 years ago!”

The WMC lobbied the , who’s moderating the Oct. 15 matchup that’s
being held right in our backyard, at Hofstra, will be accepting
questions for McCain and Obama submitted by the organization.

Right now, WMC is gathering questions from regular folks, and they’ll
send a representative and relevant sample of them along to Schieffer.
The theme for this debate is domestic issues. So . Everyone — both
men and women — is invited. The deadline is tomorrow, Oct. 1, at 5

Qwen Ifel has many high marks in her long career. This debate is over
and not worth watching because of a financial interest in a book. She
should step aside. Do you really think she will help undecided voters
like myself find anything in this debate? How can it be seen as
neutral? This Debate Commission will go down in history if it allows
this travesty to happen. How can we focus on what is good for the
country when we have to let Quen tell us by her choice of questions.
This is a very sad day for the country.

Sounds like the Right-wing is laying the groundwork for excuses when
Palin BOMBS! Just blame the media, don’t listen to her lame and
frightening answers. One heartbeat away? Scariest thought ever!

Sounds like the Right-wing is laying the groundwork for excuses when
Palin BOMBS! Just blame the media, don’t listen to her lame and
frightening answers. One heartbeat away? Scariest thought ever!