Posts Tagged ‘south wales echo’

Reference’s radio station wales

September 30, 2008

WITH reference to the recent article “Islamic radio station
launched”, I would like to say what a great job I think the
people at Radio Ramadan are doing.

They have many interesting shows and discussions which help to further
people’s knowledge of Islam and the radio station accommodates
Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

It has obviously taken a lot of time and preparation by the organisers
to set up such a wonderful radio station and I hope that the radio
station can continue all year round.

* WHILE I appreciate it is upsetting for the family of James Cummins,
do we really need articles entitled “Loveable rogue car thief
missed by all his family”?

Let us not forget that this habitual thief chose to commit house
burglary (while the owner slept) and then stole the victim’s car
either for pleasure or financial gain and ultimately killed himself.

Also, quotes from friends and family calling him a “well-
mannered and polite young man” seem to be entirely contradictory
when you consider his past and what caused his eventual death.

* THE image of Messrs Jones and Toshack was bad enough without you
leaving your readers in no doubt relating to the foul reply from Jones
during their screeching session recently.

* I FIND the highly-energised musings of Dr Wood (Echo, September 9)
are not only unique but positively medicinal.

Now if one could only ascertain as to what he is actually a doctor of,
possibly a greater insight could be gained into his patterns of logic.

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